王昕 教授



上海理工大学, 环境与建筑学院建筑环境与能源工程系,教授


2005-092009-03, 上海理工大学, 热能工程专业, 博士, 

2002-092005-03, 上海理工大学, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业, 硕士, 

1998-092002-06, 山东建筑大学, 建筑设备与环境工程专业, 学士


(1) 2021-10至现在, 上海理工大学, 建筑环境与能源工程系, 沪江学者

(2) 2012-062021-09, 上海理工大学, 建筑环境与能源工程系, 副教授

(3) 2009-042012-06, 上海理工大学, 建筑环境与能源工程系, 讲师



国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 51108263, 大空间水平射流在多股羽流作用下的运动机理研究, 2012-012014-12, 25万元,结题,主持





益科德 (上海) 有限公司家存储器基地项目一期二阶段无尘室系统项目服务, 2020-11-162020-12-1612.5万元,在研,主持




重庆美的通用制冷设备有限公司,工业厂房中央空调节能与健康环境研究, 2020-12-202022-11-3015万元,在研,主持




(1) 王昕,《风机工程》,科学出版社,2021.12 出版

2. 相关文章

(1) Wang X, Zhou Y, Shi C, Xu Y, et al. Vertical temperature distribution in large space buildings in the heating season: On-site measurement and Block-Gebhart model prediction considering air infiltration[J]. Building and Environment, 2021, 191,107579.

(2) Wang X, Yang Y, Xu Y, et al. Prediction of vertical thermal stratification of large space buildings based on Block-Gebhart model: Case studies of three typical hybrid ventilation scenarios[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021,41:102452.

(3) Wang X, Zhou Y, Wang F, et al. Exposure levels of oil mist particles under different ventilation strategies in industrial workshops[J]. Building and Environment, 2021,206(9):108264.

(4) Wang X, Zhao J, Wang F, et al. Air supply parameter optimization of a custom nonuniform temperature field based on the POD method[J]. Building and Environment, 2021,206(10):108328.

(5) Xu Y, Wang X, Shi C, et al. Vertical Temperature Profiles and Cooling Load in Large Spaces Ventilated by Stratified Air-Conditioning Systems:Scale-Model Experiment and Nodal Modeling[J]. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 2020, 12(5):1-27.

(6) Xu Y, Wang X, Wang F, et al. Quantitative analysis of coherent structures affecting instantaneous fluctuation of point-source plumes based on PIV-POD method[J]. Energy and Built Environment, 2020, 1(2),131-138.

(7) Shao M, Wang X, Bu Z, et al. Prediction of energy consumption in hotel buildings via support vector machines[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020,57(6):102128.

(8) Wang X, Xu Y, Yang Y, et al. Particle image velocimetry investigation on air distribution of surface-source buoyancy plume changing heating intensity and structure size in a thermostatic chamber[J]. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020, 30(7):998-1013.

(9) Xu Y, Wang X, Ma J, et al. Study of convective heat transfer load induced by nozzle air supply in large spaces with thermal stratification based on Block- Gebhart model[J]. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019,50(2):101669.

(10) Xu Y, Wang X, Huang C, et al. Assessing the interaction of air from a jet diffuser on a thermal plume in a room using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry[J]. Building Service Engineering, 2019,40(6):669-681.

(11) Wang X, Shen S, Du G , et al. Interaction mechanism model for a non-isothermal air jet and a buoyant plume[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(6):1- 13.

(12) Wang X, Huang C, Zou Z. The analysis of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of a large-scale commercial building in Shanghai, China[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2016, 8(2):1-8.

(13) Wang X, Huai X, Huang C, et al. Research on the kinetic energy ratio of return air entrainment in the form of low supplymiddle return in the large space of brine experiments[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 7(9):1-13.

(14) Wang X, Dai Y, Ma J, et al. Development and experimental verification of a model for an air jet penetrated by plumes[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2015,7(3):1-10.



(1) 王昕; 黄晨; 秦俊; 吴丹; 叶李飞; 白天宇; 刘冰如; 陈帅; 路萍; 模拟大空间建筑下送中回分层空调的盐水模型实验装置, 2016-04-27, 中国, CN201410160124.6

(2) 王昕; 槐晓强; 许宇坤; 马静思; 堵光耀; 申树仁; 张玉洁; 朱卓; 基于表面热平衡的大空间分层空调负荷计算方法, 2019-06-04, 中国, CN201710172845.2.

(3) 王昕; 朱卓; 堵光耀; 张玉洁; 马静思; 槐晓强; 施晨露; 许宇坤; 大空间喷口送风分层空调对流热转移负荷计算方法, 2020-08-04, 中国, CN201710403639.8.


王昕,黄晨,陈剑波,李含瑛,邹志军. 大空间建筑多种气流组织液态缩尺示踪开放性实验平台. 获 2017 年中国机械工业科学技术奖三等奖,证书号:D1708038-01.