2007.09-2011.07 同济大学 土木工程学院 土木工程专业 工学学士
2014.09-2016.09 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 环境与土木工程系 博士联合培养
2011.09-2017.09 同济大学 土木工程学院 结构工程专业 工学博士
2022.06至今 上海理工大学环境与建筑学院 副教授
2018.03-2022.06 上海理工大学环境与建筑学院 讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52478187,再生混凝土叠合梁抗剪性能及设计方法研究,2025-01~2028-12,主持
2. 上海市青年科技英才启明星计划(人才计划),22QC1400900,超高性能混凝土齿槽连接装配式节点性能与优化,2022-06~2025-05,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51808338,再生混凝土动态直剪力学性能及其应变率敏感性机理研究,2019-01~2021-12,主持
4. 国家土建结构预制装配化工程技术研究中心开放课题,2020CPCCE-K03,再生可拆卸建筑施工技术研究,2020-09~2022-09,主持
5. 企业委托项目,混凝土浇筑过程模板侧压力及动力学模型研究, 2020-12~2021-12,主持
6. 企业委托项目,超高性能混凝土研发, 2020-11~2021-12,主持
7. 国家杰出青年科学基金项目,51325802,结构工程,2014-01-01~2017-12-31,参与
1. Sun, C.; Li, J.; Liu, Q.; Chen, K.; Li, W.; Pan, F. Compressive performance and damage mechanism of concrete short columns confined by steel wires reinforced 3DPM. Case Stud. Constr. Mater. 2024, 21, e03457, doi:10.1016/j.cscm.2024.e03457.
2. Sun, C.; Zhao, H.; Liu, Q.; Pan, F. Shear behavior of 3DPM-NM specimens with different interfacial locking designs. Constr. Build. Mater. 2024, 425, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.136021.
2. Sun, C.; Wang, K.; Liu, Q.; Wang, P.; Pan, F. Machine-Learning-Based Comprehensive Properties Prediction and Mixture Design Optimization of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete. Sustainability 2023, 15, 15338, doi:10.3390/su152115338.
3. Sun, C.; Chen, L.; Xiao, J.; Zuo, J.; Wu, H. Effects of eco powders from solid waste on freeze-thaw resistance of mortar. Constr. Build. Mater. 2022, 333, 127405, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127405.
4. Sun, C.; Chen, L.; Xiao, J.; Singh, A.; Zeng, J. Compound utilization of construction and industrial waste as cementitious recycled powder in mortar. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2021, 170, 105561, doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105561.
5. Sun, C.; Chen, Q.; Xiao, J.; Ge, W. Study on aggregate interlock behavior of pre-cracked recycled aggregate concrete without stirrups. J. Build. Eng. 2021, 39, 102257, doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102257.
6. Sun, C.; Chen, L.; Xiao, J.; Liu, Q.; Zuo, J. Low-carbon and fundamental properties of eco-efficient mortar with recycled powders. Materials (Basel). 2021, 14, 1–17, doi:10.3390/ma14247503.
7. 孙畅,肖建庄,刘卫东,姜弘.再生混凝土骨料咬合模型修正及其参数分析.建筑结构学报,2021,42(06):206-213.
8. Sun, C.; Chen, Q.; Xiao, J.; Liu, W. Utilization of waste concrete recycling materials in self-compacting concrete. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2020, 161, 104930, doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104930.
11. Liu, Q.; Cheng, S.; Sun, C. *; Chen, K.; Li, W.; Tam, V.W.Y. Steel cable bonding in fresh mortar and 3D printed beam flexural behavior. Autom. Constr. 2024, 158, 105165, doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2023.105165.
12. Liu, Q.; Wang, Y.; Sun, C. *; Cheng, S.; Yang, C. Carbon sequestration and mechanical properties of foam concrete based on red mud pre-carbonation and CO2 foam bubbles. Constr. Build. Mater. 2024, 426, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.135961.
13. Liu, Q.; Tang, H.; Chen, K.; Sun, C.*; Li, W.; Jiao, S.; Tam, V.W.Y. Improving industrial drying process of recycled fine aggregates as a means of carbonation to improve the mechanical properties and plastic shrinkage of self-leveling mortar. Constr. Build. Mater. 2023, 403, 133001, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133001.
14. Liu, Q.; Cheng, S.; Sun, C. *; Chen, K.; Singh, A.; Bai, T.; Bai, Y. Effects of varied building solid wastes, particle sizes and substitution ratios on the performance and impedance spectrum of recycled fine aggregate mortar and the feasibility of developing a prediction method. J. Build. Eng. 2024, 83, doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.108310.
15. Wang, S.; Peng, S.; Sun, C. *; Singh, A.; Cheng, Z.; Tian, Y. Crack Propagation and Failure Mechanism of Modeled Recycled Concrete under Shear Stress. Sustain. 2022, 14, doi:10.3390/su14095552.
16. Liu, Q.; Cheng, S.; Peng, B.; Chen, K.; Sun, C.; Tang, H. The buildability and flexural properties of 3D printed recycled mortar reinforced with synchronized steel cable under different reinforcement ratios. J. Build. Eng. 2024, 84, doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2024.108484.
17. Wang, P.; Xiao, J.; Sun, C.; Wu, X.; Li, L.; Yu, K. Prediction of complex strain fields in concrete using a deep learning approach. Constr. Build. Mater. 2023, 404, 133257, doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.133257.