第一作者或通讯作者 | 论文名称 | 期刊名称 |
陈有亮 | Experimental study on the influence of temperature on the mechanical properties of granite under uni-axial compression and fatigue loading | International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences,2012,12 (SCI) |
张治国 | Geotechnical influence on existing subway tunnels induced by multiline tunneling in Shanghai soft soil | Computers and Geotechnics 2014,3 (SCI) |
倪静 | Radial consolidation of soft soil under cyclic loads | Computers and Geotechnics 2013,5 (SCI) |
张治国 | 遮拦叠交效应下地铁盾构掘进引起地层沉降分析 | 岩石力学与工程学报2013,9 (EI) |
杨涛 | Analytical solution for the consolidation of a composite ground reinforced by partially penetrated impervious columns | Computers and Geotechnics 2014,4 (SCI) |
张治国 | Mechanical effects of tunneling on adjacent pipelines based on Galerkin solution and layered transfer matrix solution | Soils and Foundations 2013,8 (SCI) |
倪静 | Model of Soft Soils under Cyclic Loading | International Journal of Geomechanics 2015,8 (SCI) |
陈有亮 | Experimental study on mechanical properties of granite after freeze-thaw cycling | Environmental Earth Sciences 2014,4 (SCI) |
张治国 | Evaluation of deformation response for adjacent tunnels due to soil unloading in excavation engineering | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2013,9 (SCI) |
张菊辉 | 规则连续梁桥地震易损性研究 | 振动与冲击 2014,10 (SCI) |
宋自根 | Multitype activity coexistence in an inertial two-neuron system with multiple delays | International journal of bifurcation and chaos 2015,12 (SCI) |
镇斌 | Analysis of critical velocities for an Infinite Timoshenko beam resting on an elastic foundation subjected to a harmonic moving load | Shock and Vibration 2014,7 (SCI) |
杨涛 | 桩承式路堤中土拱形态与成拱过程中土拱效应研究 | 岩土工程学报 2014,4 (EI) |
彭斌 | 基于贝叶斯方法的砌体结构自振频率推断 | 建筑结构学报 2014,10 (EI) |
周志云 | Micromechanics model to describe strain behavior of concrete in freezing process | Journal of materials in civil engineering, ASCE, 2008, 20(1): 46-53. (SCIE,EI) |
郑七振 | 神经网络用于百万千瓦级核电汽轮发电机的故障诊断 | 振动工程学报2003.16(S):65-68 |
郑七振 | 钢纤维混凝土框架结点抗剪承载力试验研究与机理分析 | 土木工程学报2005,38(9):89-93 |
郑七振 | 碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁抗弯设计方法研究 | 建筑结构学报 2006,27.P911-914 |
李秀君 | 拌和用水量对泡沫沥青再生混合料性能的影响分析 | 《建筑材料学报》Vol.11,No.1,2008年2月 P64~69;[EI检索,081911244394] |
彭斌 | 砌体结构地震倒塌过程的仿真程序开发 | 振动与冲击2008, 27(11): 120-125 (EIAccession Number:085111797884 |
陈有亮 | Studies on creep fracture of sandstones | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Volume 47, No.1, 2007:57-67.(SCI, EI双检索国际杂志) |
陈有亮 | 某深基坑地下连续墙开挖变形有限元分析 | 地下空间与工程学报, 2008年第4卷第2期,P320-324。 |
陈有亮 | 单向压缩状态下上海地区软土的蠕变变形与次固结特性研究 | 工程地质学报, 2008年第16卷第4期, P65-71。 |
倪静 | 建筑膜材料在双轴拉伸作用下的特性 | 工程力学,2009年第26卷第6期,P100-104。(EI收录) |
陈有亮 | 上海冻结软土抗压、抗拉试验研究 | 岩土工程学报,2009年第31卷第7期,P1046-1051。(EI收录) |