学术讲座“Determination and elimination of micro-plastic particles in municipal waste water treatment plants”
发布时间: 2015-09-29   浏览次数: 351  


学术讲座“Determination and elimination of micro-plastic particles in municipal waste water treatment plants”


报告人: Prof. Dr. Jutta Kerpen Professor at the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain, Germany




Development of an analytical procedure for the determination of microplastic-particles in waste water

        Concentration of microplastic-particles

        Separation of microplastic-particles by enzymatic biodegration of organic substances

        Analyses by micro-ftir

          Determination of the elimination rate of microplastic-particles in the different stages of municipal waste water treatment plants


Prof. Dr. Jutta Kerpen

Area of expertise: Industrial and municipal waste water treatment

Professor at the University of Applied Sciences RheinMain since 2001

12 years of professional experience at Lurgi, a very big engineering company, in the field of industrial biological waste water treatment, world wide projects