发布时间: 2011-02-21   浏览次数: 384  


The 2nd Shanghai International Indoor Contamination Control Forum


With the improvement of living standards, the requirement for comfortable indoor environment is higher and higher, so more buildings adopt large number of air conditioners and decoration materials and improve the condition of air tightening. However, in recent years, SARS, bird flu, and H1N1 virus have been widely spread all over the world; air conditioning disease and SBS are becoming popular in some places, then the IAQ and public health gradually become the concern of society. Thus, more and more new technologies and new achievements are coming up to improve environment where we live, work and study every day.

20113月底,以节能环保  绿色健康为主题的第二届上海国际室内环境技术论坛在上海新国际博览中心盛大举行。届时将邀请国内外知名的室内空气品质、公共卫生、建筑环境等领域的专家、学者及企业家做专题技术演讲,同时,也有知名高校的在校研究生在这里展现年轻一代的新思想、新观点、新看法。同期举办第十二届中国清洁博览会暨第八届上海国际室内环境技术与产品展览会

The 2nd Shanghai International Indoor Contamination Control Forum will be held grandly with the theme of Health and Environmental-friendly Energy-saving at Shanghai New International Expo Centre at the end of March 2011. On time, domestic and overseas well-known experts, scholars and entrepreneurs engaging in IAQ, public health and architectural environment will be invited to deliver professional technical speeches. Meanwhile, some graduate students from famous university here will present their new thoughts, new ideas and new view of young generation. And the 12th China clean expo and the 8th Shanghai international indoor contamination control technology & products exhibition will be also held during Forum.

一、             论坛时间和地点Date& Venue

时间:2011 3 29 日(半天) - 30 日(全天)

Date: March 29(half day)-30(all day), 2011

地点:上海新国际博览中心(上海市浦东龙阳路 2345 号)

Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (No.2345 Longyang RD. Pudong, Shanghai)

二、             论坛主题(仅供参考,不限于以下主题)Forum Topics (not limited to the following topics)

室内环境污染与人体健康 Indoor environmental contamination and health

室内空气品质评价方法 Evaluation method of indoor air quality

室内环境污染监测 Detection for indoor environmental contamination

人体热舒适与室内空气品质 Thermal comfort and indoor air quality

室内环境污染改善及治理 Indoor contamination improvement and control

室内环境净化产品和节能技术 Clean products and energy-saving technology on indoor environment

三、             主办单位Sponsor



上海市张江高科技园区(Shanghai Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park)

四、             论坛拟出席及发言专家 Experts to be attending and speaking

侯立安 先生  中国工程院院士,研究方向:室内空气净化

Mr. Li-an Hou, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, engaging in research on indoor air contamination control

阚海东 先生  复旦大学公共卫生学院  博士  教授

Mr. Haidong Kan, Ph.D. & Prof., School of Public Health of Fudan University

李景广 先生  上海市建筑科学研究院(集团)有限公司 教授

   Mr. Jingguang Li, Ph.D. & Prof., SRIBS

五、             参会人员Who Should Attend?

Ø  高等院校、科研院所、重点实验室等从事空气品质评价、室内环境治理、检测、净化技术及产品研发的相关人员;People who are engaged in evaluation of indoor air quality, monitoring& control, Clean-tech & products in University, institution, or key lab.

Ø  净化产品制造商、投资商、代理商;Manufactures, investor and agents of clean products;

Ø  医院、宾馆、商场、银行、地铁、学校、机场、展览馆、娱乐场所等公共建筑采购负责人;

Purchasing managers of hospital, hotel, mall, bank, subway, school, airport, gallery and KTV etc;

Ø  电子、半导体、制药、食品、航空等领域生产商;Manufactures of electronics, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, food and Aviation fields

Ø  环境污染检测、治理企业等相关技术人员;Detection technician of for environmental control;

Ø  建筑、室内装修设计师等 Designers of construction and indoor decoration.



Please fill in the registration form and send to SICCA by E-mail or Fax.

表3--研究生演讲登记表.doc         听众登记表 Registration Form.doc

联系人Contact name:李红Ms. Li Hong 惠倩 Ms. Hui Qian




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